The Nether - Director

Manbites Dog Theater.  Set Design Sonya Drum. Costume Design Ashley Nicholl Owen. Sound Design Joseph Amodei. Lighting Design Austin Powers.  April 7-23, 2016.

Jules Odendahl-James directs with marvelous restraint, eschewing histrionics in favor of a cool clarity that makes the unfolding story, with its many twists, continually surprising. It would be easy to make this play too racy, or too earnest—either way, dismiss-able—but Odendahl-James makes the longings real, the logic inexorable, and the result profoundly moving.
— Kate Dobbs Arial, The Five Points Star
Director Jules Odendahl-James shows us the journey of all these characters through a very precise and thoughtful production; and Sonya Leigh Drum’s set, created with spinning panels, easily transports us from a real-life interrogation to a fanciful virtual world.
— D.C. McQueen, Triangle Arts & Entertainment
— Byron Woods, INDY Week
Director Jules Odendahl-James offers a precisely controlled production
— Roy Dicks, The News & Observer